When Is It Necessary to Use a Nitrogen Fertiliser?

It is common knowledge that plants need certain nutrients in order to thrive. But, many people do not realise how essential nitrogen is. This is a nutrient that every plant needs to survive and grow. If nitrogen is not present in the soil, this leads to problems such as stunted growth and weak stems. Indeed, if the deficiency is severe, this is going to result in the plants dying.

So, do you think that your plants have nitrogen deficiency? Let’s examine what this would look like and when it is necessary to use fertiliser.

Signs That Plants Need Nitrogen Fertiliser

You always need to be keeping an eye on your plants and how they are developing. If you spot any of these signs, it is going to be necessary to use nitrogen fertiliser.

You Notice Discoloured Leaves

There are some signs of nitrogen deficiency that are easier to spot than others. Indeed, one of the first places you should look is at the leaves. You will notice discolouration if they lack this important nutrient. For instance, they can appear yellow or pale green, as well as some having pink and red tints. Get your nitrogen fertilisers today if you notice this type of discolouration present on the leaves. Otherwise, you will see it spread and other side effects occur.

Weak Stems are Present

Have you noticed weak stems on your plant and cannot think why this might be happening? Well, it could be down to missing this important nutrient.  It is very important for growth and when it is not present in the soil, this can mean that the stems are weak and droop. They will even start to wilt. In addition, stunted growth is common in plants that do not get enough nitrogen, which can leave them vulnerable during bad weather and to disease. This is the last thing you want to happen.

There Has Been Overwatering

If you believe that your plants have been overwatered, this can mean that they lack nitrogen. For example, perhaps there has been a few bad months of weather, which includes a lot of heavy rain. This can mean that nitrogen is not present in the soil for plants to enjoy. So, in the case of excessive irrigation, it may be necessary to supplement and add this nutrient to the soil.

You Have a Leaching Soil

There are some soils that leach nutrients quicker than others. This could be a reason why your plants are suffering and you do not realise it until it is too late. For example, well-draining soils will have this problem. The nitrogen will disappear. Another is sandy soil, which means that nutrients will leach quickly. So, think about the type of soil you have.

There are A lot of Weeds

Perhaps there are a lot of weeds present in between your plants. This can be irritating and mean you must pull them all the time. In fact, many people give up on this task since it is so tedious. But, they do not realise that weeds can cause nitrogen deficiency. This is because they take it from the soil, which can actually starve your plants.

Things To Do Before Applying a Nitrogen Fertiliser

Before you rush and apply this type of fertiliser to your plants, it is important to do a few things first. This is going to ensure the best results.

Test the Soil

Perhaps your plants are showing all the signs of nitrogen deficiency. But you still want to double-check and ensure this is correct before applying fertiliser. The best way you can do this is by testing your soil. There are test kits available and they are going to show you what nutrients are in the soil. Indeed, if there is not enough nitrogen, this is going to show up. This will confirm your thoughts.

Know the Correct Amount

After choosing the product you like, make sure that you read the instructions before applying it to the soil. Many people think that applying fertiliser is straightforward. Yes, it is not overly complicated in practice. But one thing you do need to know is the correct amount to use. Not only could you be wasting a product by using too much, but there can be negative side effects. This can include seeing growth in your plants but not having good root structure. So, read the instructions and do not be frivolous with the amount you use.

Create a Schedule

 Not only can products be different when it comes to application, but some have to be applied to the soil more often than others. This is something that you need to take note of if you want to see the best results in your plants. The best way to keep up with applications is to create a schedule. For example, if a product has to be applied every six to eight weeks, make sure that this is written in your diary. This way, you will not miss any applications and you can make the most of the growing season.