For those of us living in chilly northern climes, keeping our homes warm is a top priority. It has become even more important in today’s times of economic instability and skyrocketing energy bills.
Roof insulation can help prevent heat loss and maintain a stable temperature within our homes. It can keep us comfortable and see us make significant savings on our energy bills. If you want to install your own roof installation, there are a few things you need to know beforehand. Let’s find out more.
Insulation can be Dangerous
Insulation may look soft and fluffy, but it can be dangerous if it is improperly handled. This is because insulation is made from tiny glass fibres. Exposure to the skin or eyes can cause irritation while inhaling these fibres can cause damage to the lungs and respiratory system.
It’s vital that you always wear protective clothing and goggles when handling insulation. A face mask is essential, too. This will prevent you from breathing in harmful fibres.
Different Kinds of Insulation
If you pay a visit to a building merchant like, you’ll quickly notice that there are lots of different types of insulation available. Which kind is best? How do you know which is the right kind for you?
There are different kinds of insulation for walls, floors, and cavities. For insulating your roof, you’re going to need to get roof insulation. However, you’ll soon realise that there are various different types of roof insulation too. The main difference between these types of roof insulation is the size.
Our lofts and roof spaces come in all kinds of different sizes, which is why there are so many different size options available. To know what size you need, measure the distance between the joists in your loft and then choose the corresponding size of insulation.
Installing Roof Insulation
Before you install your insulation, you’re going to need the right equipment. You’ll need protective clothing and goggles first and foremost, as well as a sharp tool for cutting the insulation and a measuring tape.
Start by laying the insulation between the joists until both the joists and the insulation are at the same height. Then, start laying more insulation at a right angle on top, covering the joists and the insulation you’ve just laid. The government recommends that roof insulation is around 270mm deep, so keep checking with your measuring tape.
Remember to insulate the loft hatch, too. This can be the cause of significant heat loss. Cut out a small section of insulation and attach it with a staple to the back of your loft hatch.
If your house still feels cold after installing roof insulation and you still have to keep the central heating on all the time, simply adding more insulation can do the trick and help retain the heat in your home.
Don’t feel intimidated at the thought of installing roof insulation yourself. It’s actually easier than many people think. However, there are certain things you need to know before you proceed, so use this guide to learn the basics before you begin.