Everything You Need to Know About Aggregates

Aggregates serve as an essential ingredient in concrete mixes. This is because aggregates aid in making concrete mixes firmer. Aggregates also help lessen the usage of cement and water. In addition, they also provide added durability towards the concrete.

With that being said, it’s essential to look for aggregate suppliers that will supply you with quality aggregates. After all, aggregates are a vital component to ensure the rigidness of your concrete structures. However, you should note that aggregates come in different forms and have their basic properties. So, here’s everything else you need to know about aggregates below.

Different Types of Aggregates

There are different types of aggregates available among aggregate suppliers. Each type has its purpose, so it’s imperative to choose the best-suited ones for your project. Aggregate substances are usually collected from deposits, quarries, and underground areas. They may also be collected from natural mines containing gravel, sand, or a mixture of both.

Here are the different types of aggregates below:

  •  Crushed Rocks: Many rocks will be extracted and destroyed until they reach a particular size and consistency. These collected substances could be metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous. Crushed rock aggregates are often mixed in concrete mixes for highway pavements.
  •  Sand: Sand comprises granulated stone and mineral substances. Since there are many sand types, this aggregate material can be used for different purposes. But most of the time, sand aggregates are used for building roads or manufacturing concrete.
  •  Gravel: Gravel materials are created by a combination of moisture and weathering. Like sand, different types of gravel serve their purposes. Besides being used for construction purposes, gravel aggregates can also be used for decorative intentions.
  •  Reprocessed concrete: Unused concrete will be repurposed or recycled by getting crushed, ground, or cut to the needed size. Reprocessed concrete aggregates are typically known for being dense. Considering that, it’s certainly a reason why they’re used as a foundation for other construction materials.

Basic Properties of Aggregates Added in Concrete

Aggregates come with their basic properties. For concrete mix ratio and related things you can contact concrete Essex. Each characteristic of an aggregate significantly affects the produced concrete mixture. Here are some of them:

  •  The aggregate grading: Grading pertains to determining the particle and size ratio for a particular aggregate. After all, grading restrictions ensure that only an adequate amount of aggregate is used to create a cement mixture.
  •  Particle size and shape: The size and shape of an aggregate greatly affect the needed amount of cement used in a concrete mixture.
  •  Particle appearance: If the consistency of the aggregate surface is rough but permeable, it results in a strong bond.
  •  The presence of voids: The unfilled areas found in the middle of aggregate materials are referred to as voids. To compute for a volume of a void, you will need to subtract the gross volume of the aggregate mass and the volume taken up by the aggregate substances.
  •  Resistance to impact and abrasions: How prone an aggregate is from impact and wearing
  •  Ability to absorb moisture: Aggregates can range from extremely dry, dry, saturated, or wet.


Overall, aggregates are something you shouldn’t look over when doing construction work for home improvement projects and other related work. With so many kinds of aggregates to choose from, it’s important to consider an aggregate’s fundamental properties and types. And as long as you find the right aggregate suppliers to supply you with suitable and high-quality aggregates, you can ensure that your project will be durable and stand the test of time.