The Ins and Outs of Obtaining Skip Hire Permits from Local Councils

If you’re looking to hire a skip, the process involves more than just finding a company to provide the service. It would be best to get a permit from your local council. This is because skips can be large and difficult to transport or place in certain areas. In this post, we’ll discuss the factors that local councils consider when reviewing skip hire permits. Understanding these considerations will help you ensure your application is approved without a hitch.

Width of the road

The width of the road or street is one of the primary factors that local councils consider when reviewing hire a skip permit application. This is because wider roads are better able to handle additional traffic and congestion caused by skips than narrow roads are. So, if you’re looking to hire a skip for a residential area with narrow streets, your application may be denied.

The volume of traffic on the road

The traffic volume on the road is another factor that local councils consider. High-traffic areas can become congested quickly if skips are placed in them, so local councils may not approve skip hire applications for such roads unless they can be assured that safety precautions will be taken, such as placing warning signs in strategic locations or having traffic controllers present during loading and unloading times.

Access to property

The access point for your residential or commercial property is another criterion for local councils when reviewing skip hire permit applications. For example, if your property has limited space for access, your application will likely not be approved until an alternative solution has been discussed with the council, such as using smaller skips or hiring an additional vehicle to transport the waste away from your property safely and efficiently.                                                                                                                              

Ongoing planned roadworks and maintenance

Local councils may also consider ongoing planned roadworks and maintenance when evaluating applications for skip hire. Roadworks could cause delays and disruptions due to construction vehicles, potentially leading to hazardous situations if skips were allowed in such areas without proper safety measures. If any planned works are on or near your property, it is best to let your local council know before submitting an application for a skip hire permit.

Other potential dangers

Other potential dangers should be considered when applying for a skip hire permit from a local council. For instance, other vehicles passing by too quickly or pedestrians crossing dangerously close by could create hazardous situations if proper safety protocols aren’t strictly adhered to while loading and unloading waste materials into and from the skips. Therefore, it is essential to consider all possible risks before applying for a permit, as any negligence could result in serious injury or even death.


By thoroughly researching these components before submitting your application, you can ensure that your request will get approved quickly and efficiently by providing all necessary information upfront. With this knowledge in mind, you’ll be well on your way towards obtaining permission for successful skip hire services.