First on the Scene: The Crucial Role of First Aiders in Construction Emergencies

A construction site can be an incredibly dangerous place where accidents and injuries are unfortunately still a common occurrence. This means that when the worst happens, you need medical help to be on hand as quickly as possible in order to have the best outcomes.

It is for this reason that all construction sites should have emergency first aiders nearby to be able to offer that initial assistance.

In this article, AW Safety take a look at the crucial role first aiders can play in construction emergencies and why having them on the scene immediately can change what happens next.

Construction Site Risks

There are risks in any workplace, but this is heightened in the construction industry. Not only is there the risk of the normal trips, falls and illnesses that could be present in any workplace, but there are also huge dangers that are faced by anybody working on a construction site. Heavy materials, dangerous equipment and dust and dirt filled atmospheres can all increase the risk that construction workers face each day, not to mention the possibility of electrical incidents, structural failures, or the escape of hazardous gases.

It also means that the risks they face are even greater than the average employee, as the injuries they might experience could be much more serious. The fact that construction sites are also made-up of a mixture of permanent employees, as well as subcontractors and temporary labourers means it can be difficult to manage each individual and ensure that they are adhering to all relevant safety protocols.

As the risk of injury is so much greater, it is clear that emergency first aiders could not be more important when it comes to the world of construction.

Addressing Hazards in the Workplace

We tend to think that first aiders are simply there to attend to injuries when an accident happens, but they can be very useful in helping to avoid those incidents in the first place. Their specialist training can mean they can form a useful part of any risk assessment, as they might be able to identify hazards that other people would not necessarily spot. This enables construction sites to take remedial action straight away and help to minimise the risks that their workforce face on a daily basis.

Immediate First Aid

If someone suffers an injury, then giving them access to immediate first aid can be hugely beneficial. For minor cuts, sprains and other injuries, being attended to quickly can ensure they are either able to get on with their jobs again or take the time off that they need. Their wounds can be cleaned and dressed to avoid them becoming any worse through things like infections and they can then seek any additional help if it is needed.

For more serious injuries, then immediate attention can be crucial. A trained first aider will be in a position to stop bleeding, help with choking issues or put somebody into the recovery position to help prevent their situation becoming any worse. They will also be able to communicate effectively with the emergency services to ensure that the right help arrives as quickly as possible.

In some cases, a medical emergency on a construction site might be as a result of illness and a first aider could be needed to perform CPR. This can be a way of keeping someone alive until an ambulance is able to get to them and can therefore be the difference between life and death.

First aid training is about improving the outcomes for anyone who suffers an incident on site. Waiting for the emergency services to arrive can often be too late and so that immediate response is absolutely essential.

Employee Morale

Having members of staff on hand who have been through first aid training can have an impact on the morale of your employees as well. This is because everyone on site will be able to see that their health and well-being is being prioritised and can therefore boost confidence and job satisfaction as a result. They will feel better protected and those who have undergone the training will enjoy the benefits of an extra sense of responsibility.

Mental Health First Aid

Physical first aid is not the only kind of first aid that is now needed in a workplace. We are all more aware than ever before that our mental health is just as important as our physical health, and workplaces need to take care of this as well.

People from all different walks of life can suffer from mental health conditions and by having a mental health first aider on site, you can help to destigmatize many conditions including depression, anxiety and panic attacks. It means there is someone on hand to help anyone who is struggling and to signpost them in the direction of the most effective form of help.

Many of those working in the construction industry might find it difficult to talk about their mental health, but by having someone who is trained in this, they may feel more comfortable opening up and getting the help that they need.

This is not only beneficial to the individual concerned, but it can also help to reduce huge amounts of absenteeism and employee retention issues that come about as a result of mental health challenges that go undiagnosed for far too long.

First aid is about providing an immediate response to a problem to help minimise the impact of an incident and potentially save lives. On a construction site where there is a risk of falling from heights, being crushed and suffering many different cuts and injuries there is no workplace where first aid could be more essential.

That first response can have a massive impact on the outcome of an incident for an individual, so it is now a business’s responsibility to make sure that they have an adequate number of first aiders on site at any given time to help protect the people they employ and put their welfare first.