Ultimate Guide on Planning Permission for Temporary Buildings

Business entities and other organizations are turning to temporary buildings to help sort out their immediate space needs. In fact, temporary buildings have become popular to the extent that many insiders consider them to be the future of the modern construction industry. Organizations can opt to build permanent buildings or temporary structures, but temporary buildings have proven to be the most viable option because of their affordability and speed of construction.

Advantages of temporary buildings

Temporary buildings can be customized in various ways, allowing them to be employed for multiple uses. Today, these structures can provide space for retail stores, schools, hospitals, warehousing, gym facilities, and several other purposes. Modern temporary buildings are durable and can be fitted with a range of lighting options, insulation, and several other customizations to make them elegant.

When constructing temporary buildings, there are instances when you require planning permission and instances when you do not. Before you begin any temporary building project, it is crucial to know when you need planning permission and when you do not. In this article, we share a detailed guide on planning guidelines for temporary buildings.

Why do you need planning permission for temporary buildings?

You might get in trouble with your local authorities if you decide to erect even a temporary structure without checking not only whether planning requirements are needed but that they have been met. To avoid this, you can hire an expert in temporary buildings with an in-depth knowledge of all the temporary buildings requirements.

You can get in touch with the experts at Smart-Space to buy the structures and guide you through the application process — if you need planning permission. You can also visit their homepage and download their guide on planning for temporary buildings. Smart-Space is the UK‘s leading provider of temporary building solutions. You can contact them and have your space needs sorted out within no time.

Instances when you require planning permission for temporary buildings

If you live in the UK, you will have to apply for planning permission for temporary buildings:

·   If you are going to use the temporary structure for a period, that exceeds 28 days and that the overall floor space is greater than 100 square metres.

·   If the temporary building is going to cover more than a quarter of the site area.

·   If the temporary building is an extension to an existing factory or warehouse and bigger than a quarter of the original structure. Additionally, you will need planning permission if the extension significantly interferes with the available parking space.

·   If the new building extension is constructed within a distance of less than 5 m from your site boundary.

When you do not need planning permission

Not all temporary structures require you to seek approval from local authorities before you erect them. You can proceed with the construction if:

·   The building’s floor space is below 100 square metres.

·   The building is going to be used for less than 28 days.

·   If the temporary structure is an extension to an existing building and shorter than the original building in terms of height. You also do not require planning permission if the extension is less than 25% in size compared to the original building.

Why choose experts when looking to construct temporary buildings?

Applying for planning permission can be a daunting process, especially if you are doing it for the first time. On the other hand, the experts at Smart-Space have been in the industry long enough, to know the ins and outs of planning permission requirements. Their experience helps ensure that your construction project does not violate and code set by the local authorities.

On top of that, their experts can help you assemble all the required documents to seek approval, submit them correctly, and avoid rejection. This means that your construction project will commence within the stipulated time, and you get more time to handle other matters. If you’re looking for Estate Agents Stratford-Upon-Avon, Sheldon Bosely Knight are a great option. Like the experts at SmartSpace, they’ve got years of experience in the industry, so can advise you on the ins and outs of temporary buildings, applications and any other questions you may have. Additionally, they offer traditional estate agent services such as house viewing and assisting with the buying and selling of properties. If you’re in the West Midlands area, they’re a great place to find out more about your next property.

For more information, get in touch with their customer service team today!

When to make a planning application?

It is recommended that the application for planning to be made before any site preparation or construction of any temporary structure has been made. Your planning permission approval can last for a period ranging between 8 and 12 weeks, so you must make early preparations if you urgently need the space.

There are cases where you can proceed with the construction without approval and then later apply for it. However, you must prove that the building was required urgently or its construction was a response to an emergency. Without any proof, you may have to bring down the entire project.