Find About the Latest News on UK Building Falls to 3-year Low, Turkey’s Structures Collapse During Earthquakes, Update on the Cladding and Fire Safety Case, and Homeowners Share Shocking Photos of Half-finished Building Work

In today’s news, we will look into the survey about the house development in Britain that dropped to its lowest level in nearly three years in January due to increased borrowing rates, although builders are more hopeful about 2023. Meanwhile, video captured during the earthquake in Turkey shows buildings crumbling like pancakes. Furthermore, the argument that “everyone else was doing it” is not a valid defence in the UK Cladding and Fire Safety Case Update. Moreover, homeowners share horrifying photographs of building work that was left unfinished after a construction company went bankrupt, including piles of rubble and brick, dug up flooring, abandoned tools, and leaky ceilings.

UK building falls to 3-year low yet confidence improves

Original Source: UK construction slips to near 3-year low but confidence rises

On Monday, a survey found that Britain’s construction sector suffered its worst month in almost three years in January as higher borrowing rates hurt house-building, but builders were more optimistic about 2023.

The S&P Global/CIPS Construction PMI fell to 48.4 from 48.8 in December, its lowest level since May 2020.

Higher interest rates slowed Britain’s building sector in the second half of 2022. To combat rising inflation, the Bank of England boosted borrowing prices to 4% last week, the highest since 2008.

House-building, civil engineering, and commercial projects fell sharply in Monday’s poll.

After falling to its lowest level since May 2020 in December, the construction PMI’s business expectations measure rose to its highest since July 2018.

Tim Moore, economics director at S&P Global Market Intelligence, said some corporations observed solid signs of a rebound in new sales enquiries at the start of 2023.

He said other building companies just recognized gradual improvements in the general economic outlook and anticipated confidence would return later this year.

The new orders indicator rose fractionally from December’s two-and-a-half-year low, although input cost inflation rose marginally.

S&P Global’s all-sector PMI, which includes services and manufacturing data from last week and Monday’s construction number, fell to 48.5 from 49.0 in December, its second-lowest rating in two years.

Turkey’s structures collapse during earthquakes. Experts explain

Original Source: Earthquake footage shows Turkey’s buildings collapsing like pancakes. An expert explains why

Turkey was hit by two massive earthquakes, killing around 3,000 and injuring or displacing unknown numbers.

The first quake, at Gaziantep near the Syrian border, measured 7.8 and was felt in the UK. The second, on an overlapping fault nine hours later, registered 7.5.

According to the Turkish authorities, 3,450 buildings have collapsed. Many modern buildings collapsed in a “pancake mode.”

How come? The quake was massive, but were the buildings the problem?

Thousands of earthquakes

Turkey is in a seismically active zone where three tectonic plates grind against each other, hence earthquakes are common. The region’s first recorded earthquake was a 17 CE tremor that destroyed 12 villages.

These earthquakes occurred near the East Anatolian Fault zone, where the Arabian and Anatolian tectonic plates move 6 to 10 mm each year. This plate boundary zone’s elastic tension is discharged through infrequent earthquakes. This explains the latest earthquakes.

The region has a lot of sensitive infrastructure despite its seismic risk.

We’ve learned how to create earthquake-resistant buildings during the past 2,000 years. In truth, several factors impact building construction procedures in this region and others globally.

Bad construction is known.

Many of the fallen buildings were concrete without seismic fortification. Seismic building rules in this location imply that buildings should be able to withstand significant earthquakes (where the Earth accelerates by 30% to 40% of normal gravity) without catastrophic failure.

20–50% gravity shaking was induced by the 7.8 and 7.5 earthquakes. At shaking intensities below the “design code,” some of these buildings failed.

Safe building construction and seismic building codes are known issues in Turkey and internationally. In Turkey’s earthquakes, buildings collapsed similarly.

17,000 people died and 20,000 buildings collapsed in a 1999 earthquake near Izmit.

After a 2011 earthquake that killed hundreds, Turkey’s then-prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said, “Municipalities, constructors and supervisors should now recognize that their incompetence equates to murder.”


Even though Turkish officials know many buildings are unsafe in earthquakes, it’s hard to solve. Many of the buildings are already completed, and seismic retrofitting may be expensive or not a priority compared to other socio-economic issues.

Rebuilding after the quake may allow for safer construction. Turkey’s 2019 building regulations improved earthquake resistance.

The new rules are commendable, but they may not enhance building quality.

Both earthquakes certainly generated several environmental effects, including damaged ground surfaces, liquified soil, and landslides. These consequences may make many locations dangerous to rebuild on, therefore restoration efforts should also include planning judgments about what can be constructed to reduce future dangers.

Search and rescue operations continue amid aftershocks. After the dust settles, rehabilitation will begin, but will we see stronger buildings that can withstand the next quake or more of the same?

An update on the cladding and fire safety case in the United Kingdom

Original Source: UK Cladding and fire safety case update – “everyone else was doing it” is no defence

In Martlet Homes Ltd v Mulalley & Co Ltd and LDC (Portfolio One) Ltd v George Downing Construction Ltd and European Sheeting Ltd, the Technology and Construction Court ruled in favour of building owners, allowing them to recover the expenses of fixing defective or unsafe cladding and waking-watch fees.

In both cases, the TCC has rigorously established contractors’ breaches and set a high bar for contractors challenging the building owner’s remedial measures.

The rulings also clarify when a principal contractor might transfer obligation to a specialised cladding subcontractor.

Martlet Homes Ltd.

This was the first High Court ruling on cladding replacement and “waking watch” charges since the Grenfell Tower incident in 2017.

The building owner (Martlet) sued the contractor (Mulalley) for replacing flammable cladding and waking watch.

Martlet claimed that its specification and installation of cladding violated the contract and the Building Regulations in effect at the time.

Bad Cladding

Mulalley contended that the cladding was not substandard and could have been repaired. It was replaced because it was no longer safe after Grenfell.

They further claimed that the cladding was permissible because it did not violate the Building Regulations at the time of installation and received a BBA certificate.

Martlet was given nearly £8 million for waking watch and remedial work by the TCC.

The TCC was clear that Mulalley had not exercised reasonable care and skill in selecting that cladding, as any reasonably competent contractor would have known that the Building Regulations recommended avoiding the type of cladding system in question for high-rise residential buildings unless tested.

Mulalley’s claim that “everyone else was doing it” was no excuse, according to the Court.

Watching expenses

Marlet’s “waking watch” expenditures were too remote, according to Mulalley.

The Court rejected that claim and awarded Martlet the costs of the waking watch, stating that the breaches reasonably anticipated the necessity for temporary fire-safety measures until a permanent solution was found.

LDC (Portfolio One) v George Downing Construction Ltd and European Sheeting Ltd

In LDC (Portfolio One) Ltd v George Downing Construction Ltd and European Sheeting Ltd, the TCC issued another strong High Court judgement on identical issues in late December 2022.

LDC owned three Manchester university residence tower complexes. In 2007/2008, George Downing Construction Ltd. (“Downing”) erected the property, while European Sheeting Ltd. (“ESL”) was the subcontractor for cladding.

LDC claimed water ingress through the tower blocks’ external walls and fire barrier and stopping difficulties between the interior panels and the exterior cladding.

LDC had sued Downing and ESL for damages, and each sought a payment from the other. Downing agreed to pay LDC £17,650,000 before the ruling.

Before the decision, ESL, the cladding subcontractor, liquidated. LDC and Downing sued ESL without it. Downing wanted ESL to pay the whole LDC settlement.

Statutory compliance—Building Regulations

ESL’s subcontract compelled it to adhere to “all regulatory standards,” including the Building Regulations, the court ruled.

ESL claimed the works met the Building Regulations’ “sufficient” fire and water resistance requirements.

The Judge agreed with the other parties’ experts that ESL had violated the Building Regulations for water ingress and fire safety, breaching its contract.


ESL argued that LDC’s costs were unjustified and that it had failed to reduce its loss, although it wasn’t present at the trial. The LDC remedial strategy was excessive, it claimed.

The TCC said real costs should be used to determine reasonableness. The costs will be acceptable if they were based on expert advice and there is no need to deviate.

The TCC (citing Martlet v Mulalley) stated that the Court “will not be overly critical of his decisions if made as a matter of urgency or on insufficient information” while noting the building owner’s duty to limit costs.

ESL had to prove that LDC’s remedial solution was unreasonable, not only that it might have been done cheaper.


ESL claimed the corrective improvements improved LDC’s building.

The TCC stated that “betterment” would not be deducted from damages if the claimant had no reasonable alternative. “Comply with laws implemented since the initial works were carried out which requires extra or increased standards to be met” applies.

ESL’s claims that other plans might have been implemented at lower cost were dismissed by the court, especially since they had not presented a completely designed and cost alternative and there was little cost difference between the two alternatives.

LDC relied on professional assistance to make remedial scheme decisions, and the Court found that reasonable.

Settlement passage

Downing tried to shift its liabilities to ESL (£17.65 million plus reasonable defence costs) after settling LDC’s claim.

The Court held that ESL’s sub-contract breaches caused the deficiencies, therefore the claim against Downing could be forwarded to ESL as their obligations were back-to-back under the main and sub-contract.

LDC would have won at trial, thus Dowding was right to settle.

The only dispute was whether Downing’s settlement sum with LDC was fair.

“The settlement was, in all the circumstances, within the range of settlements which reasonable people in the position of the settling party would have made” determined reasonableness.

The settlement reflected parties’ experts’ judgments on remedial work costs, and again, the court gave weight to Dowding’s settlement following legal advice and avoiding trial costs.

The court found the settlement reasonable and awarded Dowding the settlement plus its reasonable costs in defending the claim from ESL.


The TCC is strongly upholding the Building Regulations and rejecting any claim that regular use of hazardous cladding makes it justifiable.

These instances also illustrate that contractors will have a hard time disputing charges when building owners act quickly and on professional advice.

After a construction firm went bankrupt, homeowners share shocking photos of half-finished building work

Original Source: Piles of rubble and brick, dug up floors, abandoned tools and leaking ceilings: Homeowners share shocking photos of half-finished building work after construction firm went bust

Nova Building Development Ltd. work has been shared by angry customers. The collapsed Weymouth firm left chaos behind. 18 creditors owed £292,257.00, according to liquidators. ‘Coordinated hate campaign’ forced company to close.

A now-defunct construction firm’s homeowners have released images of half-finished work that has left them in “unlivable” conditions.

Nova Building and Development Ltd. in Weymouth left rubble, unfinished floors, and leaking ceilings.

One photo shows a half-dug concrete floor, while another shows infinite bricks and equipment in a customer’s garden.

One customer said they were ‘displaced for 11 months’ due to the work, while another said their ‘life had been put on hold’.

The firm, which claims it folded due to a “coordinated hate campaign,” said it faced “repeated challenges in sourcing materials and labourers” due to the pandemic and Brexit.

In a statement of affairs, liquidators said the firm owed 18 creditors £292,257.00, including over £120,000 to HMRC.

Customers have complained on social media about the state of their homes.

After “months of shoddy work and false promises,” Jane Eagles’ house was “unlivable” and she had sleepless nights.

Steve Taylor, who had paid for a single-storey flat roof extension, said new contractors had to ‘completely start again’ after Nova’s work, while another said her ‘life had been put on hold’.

One customer ‘ended up at the doctors’ due to stress from the unfinished job, and another said it left them ‘broken’.

Nova Building and Developments’ spokesperson said: ‘Like many businesses, we started to struggle with rising costs over the past year but we were coping. These challenges prevented us from meeting deadlines, but we always informed clients.

We trusted the subcontractors, but certain things could have gone better. We didn’t realise staff were clocking out early and being paid for a full day.

‘We are convinced that if we were permitted to conclude the work in the identified cases there would have been no issues.

‘A lot of social media comments about the company, some utterly ridiculous, have contributed to us having to liquidate. Hate campaigns cost us business.

We’ve had a lot of support from clients, friends, and family who know we’ll never rip people off and do a good job.

“We’ve been harassed and intimidated, which is unacceptable.”

Trading Standards said they were “looking into” one corporate complaint.

Summary of today’s construction news

Overall, from December’s reading of 48.8, the S&P Global/CIPS Construction PMI dropped to 48.4, marking its lowest point since May 2020. There was a slowdown in the construction industry in the second half of 2022 in Britain due to the increased cost of borrowing money. Last week, the Bank of England increased borrowing rates to 4%, the highest level since 2008.

Meanwhile, two major earthquakes rocked Turkey, killing an estimated 3,000 people and leaving an unknown number of injured and homeless. The Turkish government estimates that 3,450 buildings have been destroyed. Several recently constructed buildings “pancaked” to the ground.

On the other hand, the Technology and Construction Court sided with building owners in Martlet Homes Ltd v Mulalley & Co Ltd and LDC (Portfolio One) Ltd v George Downing Construction Ltd and European Sheeting Ltd, enabling them to recoup the costs of repairing defective or unsafe cladding and waking-watch fees.

On top of that, homeowners who contracted a now-defunct construction contractor have gone public with photos of “unlivable” circumstances caused by the unfinished work. The Weymouth location of Nova Building and Development Ltd. was a disaster, with debris everywhere and incomplete floors and dripping ceilings.